Desafio New Logistics – New Tours

Desafío Adventure Company is renowned for being at the forefront of adventure since 1992. It’s time once again to unveil our new tours and logistics for 2019 and 2020, with a special focus on the Sarapiquí region in Costa Rica.


Explore the versatility of the Sarapiquí River, one of Costa Rica’s most popular and diverse rivers. Nestled adjacent to the San Juan La Selva and Braulio Carrillo biological corridor, this river boasts an impressive biodiversity of flora and fauna.

Adventure Connections & One-Day Tours from San José: The Sarapiquí River offers versatile options with various classes of rapids and interesting activities in the lush rainforest. From extreme rafting to bicycle tours, pineapple, chocolate, waterfall tours, birdwatching, among others. After each tour, clients can enjoy our Red Eye Frog restaurant before being transported to their respective destinations. Explore our Sarapiquí River options for your next trip and discover how versatile and FUN it can be!


Introducing our new ARENAL PADDLE & PEDAL at Lake Arenal, providing various options for clients traveling between La Fortuna and Monteverde.

Policies for Road Drivers: Be SAFE! Have Serious FUN! We are convinced that navigating Costa Rica’s streets and highways is one of the most challenging and dangerous jobs. We pride ourselves on safe, courteous drivers. Here are our road policies:

A. Avoid maneuvers endangering customer and driver safety.

B. Avoid deviating from the established route without confirmation from Operations.

C. Do not stop in places jeopardizing customer safety.

D. Maintain speed limits.

E. Require seat belt use for all bus occupants.

Feel free to contact us with suggestions to enhance our transportation service for you and your clients.

Desafío Adventure Company to participate in the Whitewater Rafting Summit in Costa Rica

In October, we will participate in the Costa Rica Whitewater Rafting Summit, bringing together experts to modernize industry rules and procedures to international standards.

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